2 Degree Shift

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OER Content and Support

Teacher support materials chart for Integrated Math 3.

The Integrated Math 3: Across CTE Pathways class, textbook, and teacher support materials address CORE standards. The methodology of delivery is based on the 2023 CA Math Framework Revisions.

The class fully serves as third-year math; it is designed as an alternative, not as a replacement for university-bound Integrated Math 3 students. Additionally, the class supports students who are underprepared for advanced mathematics.

We all know and appreciate youth who excel as makers, tinkerers, and as part-time employees. Their strengths in creative thinking may not transfer to more traditional classroom activities and tests. In Integrated Math 3: Across CTE Pathways, each unit consists of:

  • A business use case where students experience career exploration and learn about an industry sector
  • Terms and tasks to practice industry-relevant use of technology and relevant CORE
  • Milestone check-in meetings to collaborate and contribute on business practices utilizing mathematics
  • Deliverables projects for Big Idea and CORE competency demonstration

This collaborative work-based learning ecosystem will reduce advanced math as a gatekeeper for our youth.

AP Capstone consists of two interdisciplinary courses, AP Seminar and AP Research, that promote college-level critical thinking. In AP Seminar, CTE students write and explore their industry sector, in parallel with their CTE Concentrator course. In AP Research, CTE students create their CTE industry capstone project, in parallel with their CTE Capstone year.

AP Students have the opportunity to earn three units in each AP Capstone course as they complete their two-year CTE pathway. For free access to the accessibility-compliant Open Education Resources, Canvas and Google Classroom shells and more, please explore our website: AP4CTE.org

Print copies for Teacher’s and Student Editions are available in the Lulu Press Bookstore, at their cost.

Review Algebra focuses on seven topics that form the basis of any algebra course, either as a reminder or resource for leapfrogging into a higher-level math course or project.

Each chapter offers clear, concise explanations, sample exercises, images to guide, and solutions to all in the back of the book. Readers engage with the workbook at their own pace, regardless of how long ago or fuzzy previous algebra experience feels.

Review Algebra is Creative Commons licensed as CC BY 4.0 and is available at ReviewAlgebra.com. Print copies are available in the Lulu Press Bookstore





Matemáticas para Desarrolladores de Juegos explora las matemáticas responsables de la apariencia de una escena, del movimiento de un personaje, y la evolución de las acciones. También se dan nociones básicas de como los instrumentos matemáticos controlan la acción y el movimiento en los juegos a desarrollar. Por ejemplo, los vectores determinan la posición de un objeto, su velocidad y la distancia recorrida. Las matrices guardan y muestran información respecto a la traslación, rotación, escala e inclinación. La experiencia previa en las matemáticas no es necesaria, pero el deseo por anotar puntos y ser más listo que tu oponente es fundamental.

2 Degree Shift se desempeñó como autor, gerente de proyectos, diseñador de libros y editor del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Downey, un innovador en la Educación Técnica Profesional pública. Disponible en MatemáticasParaDesarrolladoresDeJuegos.com Licencia Creative Commons CC BY 4.0: las copias digitales son gratuitas, las copias impresas tienen un costo de Lulu Press Bookstore.


Mathematics for Game Developers explores the math behind how scenes appear, characters move, and action evolves. The basic ideas of how mathematical instruments control action and motion in the games you develop. For example, vectors determine object position, speed, and define distance. Matrices inform and store transformations like translation, rotation, scale, and skew. Previous math experience is not required: a desire to score points and outwit opponents is key.

2 Degree Shift served as author, project manager, book designer, and publisher for Downey Unified School District, an innovator in public Career Technical Education. Available at MathForGameDevelopers.com Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licensed – digital copies are free, print copies are in the Lulu Press Bookstore.

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