
Co-Creating High Wage-High Growth Career Opportunities


2 Degree Shift collaborates with businesses, educators, standards agencies, and funders to co-create livable wage job career opportunities and pathways. Examples of our work are noted in the site posts labeled to represent years 2020-2025. We develop work-based learning content Contents target in-person and virtual Workshops, Workbooks and Books, Curriculum, Compliance training, and...



Our 2025 focus is twofold: Developing useful work-based learning (WBL) and supporting Apprenticeships. Inflation and the need for livable wage jobs creates chaos, we co-create fast-track materials for learners and companies to build value-added skills, develop strong workplace relationships, and collaborate for success. Our long-term partnership with Bayha Group evolves to Kelly advising on...



Kelly’s primary focus in 2024 was mentoring grant strategies and writing for CA public K12 school districts. She also developed 12 Standards for the CA Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and submitted 5 to the US Department of Labor. Dara and Ben supported administrative paperwork (human resources and DAS certification) for Bayha Group’s Apprenticeship program WorkWonder...



In 2023 we split time between grant advising and writing and developing Work-based Learning and supplemental textbooks. Kelly’s focus was on implementing CTE curriculum, labs, and pathways supporting Downey USD. Denny and Veronika wrote and developed Mathematics for Game Developers and Review Algebra. Ben led the translation of those books into Spanish. Dara supported Kelly on CTE...



From 2020-2022 Kelly, Ben, and Dara worked for West Hills Community College District in Coalinga, CA. Kelly served as Vice Chancellor, Dara as Research Assistant, and Ben recruited and onboarded farm workers into upskill programs funded by a federal grant. Veronika designed logos and branding for 2 Degree Shift, Open Source Ag, and additional products Kelly was tinkering with as a maker. Kelly...

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