Our 2025 focus is twofold: Developing useful work-based learning (WBL) and supporting Apprenticeships. Inflation and the need for livable wage jobs creates chaos, we co-create fast-track materials for learners and companies to build value-added skills, develop strong workplace relationships, and collaborate for success.
Our long-term partnership with Bayha Group evolves to Kelly advising on business development and advising. Dara and Ben continue supporting compliance and administrative functions. Veronika adds graphic design for outreach materials. June, Harlen, and Barb at Bayha Group will lead WorkWonder Con, Pre-apprenticeship Workshops, and the summer Skills Accelerator programs. Our team will be behind the scenes, mentoring Co-Designer Apprentices, reviewing regulatory paperwork, offering WBL and assessment strategies, and supporting recruitment.
Kelly will spend more time on Open Source Ag 501(c)(3) and agriculture and food-related projects. Kelly and Veronika will publish the Work-based Learning Workbook series. Kelly will author Grants Strategy and Writing Tips.
WorkWonder Con – February 17, 2025 at The Bike Shed, Los Angeles CA

Pre-Apprenticeship Workshops

Apprenticeship Skills Accelerator
Paid youth apprenticeship from June 16 – August 8, 2025. 2025 Business and Entrepreneurship Skills Accelerator with Accounting, Finance, Sales, and Business Development emphases.
WBL and Upskill/Reskill content
2 Degree Shift Work-Based Learning (WBL) reverse engineers the priorities of employers or organizations’ desired skill sets, capacities, and capabilities. Our goal in working with edge learners is to support their engagement with industry and community. WBL research and data highlight job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships as valuable learning avenues; however, these work experiences are often logistically challenging. Thinking about ways to simulate WBL, addressing where learning occurs in organizations, and examining learner needs and industry expectations is critical. We focus on preparing and supporting learner confidence to engage and prepare to collaborate. We seek to encourage and support capacity that leads to success in speaking up and sharing ideas, contributing to solving problems, leading product or project initiatives, and earning a place at the table. Practice and participation solidify learning and accelerate careers. Our approach assumes there are learning or logistical challenges supports learner desire for meaningful careers and thriving in livable wage jobs.
We begin by identifying use cases that support applying knowledge or skills to various current and relevant contexts in organizational settings. Each use case starts with an overview to spark curiosity and engagement, encouraging learners to expect WBL rather than traditional approaches. Overviews of use case industries spark a novel type of communication with learners; the tone is onboarding into an industry sector and exploring the challenges, opportunities, customer priorities, and the product or project to be explored, developed, improved, tested, or expanded. Approaches and tools utilize business tools and reflect real-life work experiences. We organize this as Explore, Practice, and Apply. Learners expect to be “new” to ideas when they explore. Practice dictates successes and setbacks; learning new ideas and technologies takes time. Apply enters as learners build confidence in their practice and are ready to “get to work.”
In 2025 we will publish a series of “Use Cases” (simply defined) as Work-based Learning Workbooks utilizing the Explore, Practice Apply approach.
We will set up the book Grant Strategy and Writing Tips for feedback on its level of useful for readers.